How to restore Google AdSense on a website after limit on ads

Google limits ads on a website to ensure a good user experience and to prevent websites from displaying an excessive number of ads that can be distracting or annoying to users. Google has strict policies and guidelines for the placement and types of ads that can be displayed on a website, and websites that violate these policies may be penalized or even banned from using Google AdSense, which is the program that allows website owners to display Google ads on their sites.

Additionally, Google aims to protect the privacy of its users, and limiting the number of ads that can be displayed on a website helps to prevent websites from collecting excessive amounts of user data for ad targeting purposes. By enforcing these limitations, Google aims to maintain a positive user experience for its users and ensure that advertisers are providing relevant and non-intrusive ads to the audience.

If your website has been penalized or banned by Google AdSense, you can try to appeal the decision and apply for reinstatement. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account and go to the “Policy center” page.
  2. Find the page where the violation occurred and click “Request review.”
  3. In the “Request review” form, explain what changes you have made to your website to comply with Google’s policies and guidelines.
  4. Submit the form and wait for Google to review your request.

It’s important to be honest and transparent in your explanation of what changes you have made to your website to comply with Google’s policies. Google may take some time to review your request, and there is no guarantee that your website will be reinstated.

If your website is still not approved for AdSense after an appeal, you can try other ad networks or work to improve the user experience on your website to make it more appealing to advertisers.

Here is a request application format is given you can write an e mail to google team to restore ads on a website.

Subject: Request to restore Google AdSense ads on my website

Dear AdSense Support Team,

I am writing to request that the ads be restored on my website [insert website URL]. Recently, my website was suspended from AdSense due to [insert reason if known or state “unknown reasons”].

I have carefully reviewed the AdSense policies and made the necessary changes to my website to ensure that it complies with all AdSense program policies. I believe that my website now meets all the requirements for AdSense approval and would appreciate it if you could reconsider your decision to suspend ads on my website.

I am committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and compliance, and I assure you that any issues that may have led to the suspension have been addressed. I would be happy to provide any additional information or documentation that you may require to resolve this matter and restore ads on my website.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your name]

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