How do you clean a mechanical keyboard – step-by step guide

Mechanical keyboards are popular with gamers as well as programmers and writers alike because they provide tactile feedback, enhanced durability, as well as improved typing speed. But, just like any other kind of keyboard ones can collect dirt, dust and other debris in time, resulting in poor typing performance. To ensure longevity and functionality that your computer keyboard has it is vital to maintain it frequently.

The process of cleaning a keyboard can appear daunting but it’s simple and rewarding using the proper tools and methods. In this article we’ll give step-by step guidelines for how to clean a computer keyboard such as removing the keyscaps, cleaning the switches and removing stubborn staining.

We will also go over some of the rules and guidelines for cleaning your mechanical keyboard and some ways to maintain the cleanliness of your keyboard over time. With this guide, you’ll be able to maintain your keyboard’s good condition and have a pleasant, effective typing experience for many years to be.

Today, I will demonstrate the most efficient method to clean mechanical keyboards. I’ve gotten comfortable with how my keyboard appears and it’s not like I can tell the differences from day to night however, i took out one key and…gross. Mac Your hair is everywhere You’re not alone.

It will require a bit of effort, but it’s simple and can make your keyboard appear great and again So let’s get started on it.

Unplug your keyboard

The first thing you’ll be required to do is unplug the mechanical keyboard. The keyboard will be removed keys, and using various ways of cleaning them and sanitizing, so don’t leave the keyboard to be plugged into. This video has been broken down into chapters to help you to go through it all the way through before beginning and return for each section as you need.

You’ll need to capture a photo of your keyboard. we’re doing it because of two reasons. The first is to ensure that you know which key is where. You know the places that most people go but is the multiply of the numbers pad left or right or the middle of the split? Don’t cheat, do know? What is the printing screen, the scroll lock and break / pause? In any case, it’s recommended to keep this in your guide.

The third factor is the fact that you’ll be wanting check out how your board looks more appealing after you’re finished.

Take the keys off

The next step is fun removal of the keys. Utilize a keycap puller begin at one end and proceed from one end to another. I prefer to use an aluminum filter to keep keys since it assists in what comes next. You should take your time There’s no hurry, and you’re not going to harm the keys. Find a firm grip on your key, and then pull it straight upwards.

Some keyboards include keycap pullers however, if you don’t, here are some good alternatives:

Today, i’m cleaning my corsair K70 mk. II, so no key is stabilized with stabilizers made of metal, but if the large keys have this feature, just slide it out from one end, and then slide in another.

Now , with all of the keys removed, I am able to see how terrible the keyboard appears, and I hope that I won’t allow it to get any worse again.

Cleanse the keys

Then, head to the sink and wash the keys in warm water. I enjoy doing this before to get rid of as much dirt as is possible prior to moving on to the following step. This is the reason I like to place the filters in my house, and a lot of it is washed off.

Make sure to soak the keys

It is the next thing to get the bowl, put in dish soap, then fill it up with warm water. It is important not to use boiling water to ensure that you don’t harm the keys.

Place the keys into the bowl and mix them. The dish soap acts as a degreaser. you’ll want to allow it to soak for approximately 15 minutes to accomplish its task.

Make sure to soak the keys

Next, grab the bowl, put in dish soap, then fill it up with warm water. It is important not to use boiling water, so that you don’t ruin the keys.

Place the keys into the bowl and mix them. The dish soap acts as a degreaser. you’ll need to let it sit for around 15 minutes before it can do its work.

Next, you should get some microfiber towels. Set one on the floor, and take another towel to dry and wash each key. I’m using microfiber instead of paper towels since paper towels can leave behind small white particles.

Now you should see the keycaps looking good after you’re done with each cap it is important to rub it against the towel in order to remove as much water from the key as you can. It’s not necessary to get crazy in this step however, as much water that you get rid of now, the less time you need to wait for keys to dry. And it is important to make sure that they’re dry before replacing them. It could take several hours for them to dry which is why we should make use of that time to scrub the board.

Cleanse the board

Many people make use of the vacuum, but I recommend using a brush if don’t have an antistatic attachment. You can make use of the paintbrush, a tough bristle brush, or maybe even the accessory for the brush from your vacuum. Make sure to brush the switches around to get rid of the most loose material feasible.

I ensure that any brush I choose to use doesn’t push down on the switches since I don’t want this product to be able to enter the board.

The next step is to conduct a thorough clean using some Q tips. Water or isopropyl ethanol, which is suggested by the Corsair website.

In any case, you don’t require much. Just take the Q tip and make it damp and then work it across the entire board.

If you’ve ever spilled your beverage on your board and left an odour, this will solve the issue. It’s not necessary to press too hard or forcefully Take your time and move on.

After this, the board should appear amazing, and you can give it a final clean using a microfiber towel. Once We don’t need to use a paper towel as it could leave white particles across the surface.

After you’re done, put your board upside-down and wait until the keycaps ‘ to dry.

Replace the keys

This is the most satisfying step, which is reseating the keys. Verify that each key is dry. Place it on the switch, then press it down until you get the satisfying click. Take your first photo to guide you and you’ll be finished in just a few minutes.

It’s that simple Your keyboard will look good, and you realize that it’s not too important to take care of it and keep it functioning for longer.

How do you clean the keyboard of a laptop?

Cleansing your keyboard in a hygienic way will allow you to transform your keyboard into the latest style. Certain parameters will help you achieve the best results in cleaning your laptop keyboard like an area.

The most effective method you can decide on to clean the keyboard of your laptop could include:

Step 1: Turn off the light.

Before you start working on your keyboard, make sure you shut the laptop off. This way, you will lower the possibility of short circuits caused by humidity or other problems. Also, ensure that you have everything backed up.

Step 2: Remove the pieces of food and other debris

Flip the laptop upside down and let dust to drop off. The cleaning slime to clean the debris from crevices as well as other places. If this doesn’t resolve the problem, you should consider the use of the aid of a vacuum. It is possible to use a smaller attachment with the lowest power setting. The handheld vacuum used to clean your laptop keyboard is an ideal idea. It is also possible to make use of compressed air in order to wash your laptop’s keyboard.

Step 3: Clean the keyboard’s surface

Cleansing the keyboard’s surface of contaminants like dirt, grime as well as smudges and stains is among the most effective ways to help you reach the highest possible standards. Use disinfectants to clean the keyboard’s surface. The keycaps should be cleaned one at a time. Be sure not to apply any liquid or water to remove dirt from the keyboard.


Cleaning the mechanical keyboard as well as the mechanical switches are of importance and significance. These tips will assist you in determining the best methods to clean your keyboard or key switches.

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