How To Make Money Writing?

In this age of digital freelancers, with a myriad of skills in high demand and earning well, some of these talents will disappear soon. However, today and shortly, the art of writing content will not just remain but also increase in popularity. Online jobs for freelancers encourage freelancers to work from their homes. The concept of freelance is becoming extremely popular across the globe. It’s a powerful option, as freelancers can operate at their own pace and provide the particular services they specialize in.

Freelancers do not have to follow the strict nine-to-5 work schedule and endure the stress of commuting to work. Internet and computers have transformed the way we live. Freelancers provide their services in the comfort of their couch or bed, without having to leave their homes. This boosts their efficiency and also allows them to work for unlimited hours. The more freelancers work, the higher chances of landing many more jobs and earning more money.

The most sought-after abilities for freelancers include creating. As machines are automated, and industry that relies on writing about them has increased. Similar to research and development. Content is in high demand. Data will be the next oil, and content can also help in some form. Suppose you can write grammatically correct content, regardless of whether you speak the language of origin or not-so-native English. In that case, you’re ready to enjoy an excellent living as a freelance writer.

Bloggers can earn a lot of income; provided you are proficient in one particular area and write well, your blog will bring in a decent amount of money. The most important thing is that it is the one method of freelance work that doesn’t require you to look for jobs every day, but when your blog is highly ranked, and your blog is popular, the traffic to the blog can earn you money through various advertising programs.

But, just a second. What happens if someone isn’t keen on starting their website and wants to earn money by writing for freelance?.

Writers with outstanding comments on written English can earn an excellent income by working as freelance writers. They can advertise their services on various freelancer marketplaces and make a decent income by completing their work.

The most popular freelance marketplaces like Upwork, Guru, Fiverr, and Freelancer have daily postings that seek writers. The most common jobs for writers are writing for blogs or research papers or stories for an article in a magazine the newspaper, or even creating content for a website.

The content in high demand will usually be optimized for search engines. That means, when a customer is paying top dollars for high-quality, original content, they will expect the articles to be keywords that are SEO-optimized so that their blog or website will rank highly in the search engine, Google particularly.

For writers, There are many tools to help you with writing in grammatically correct English. One of these tools can be Grammarly. This fantastic software is available for Google Chrome and is easy to install and activate.

If you compose a piece, the computer reveals your spelling and grammar errors eliminating the burden of proofreading your writing.

Here’s a screenshot of the two paragraphs above after being corrected by Google’s Grammarly tool. Take a look at the underlined red mistakes. Aren’t they amazing?

Okay, I’m a good writer. Write well, but I don’t know what it takes to become a freelancer. What should I do?

Creating your profile as an independent contractor to get projects through Upwork, Guru, or other marketplaces for freelancers is straightforward. If you adhere to my top tips for winning freelance projects with Upwork and Guru or any other freelance marketplaces or platforms, you’ll not only begin but also be able to win your first job very quickly.

Here’s how it is carried out.

Create Your FREE Profile as a freelancer on the marketplace for freelancers

Upload your logo or picture as a profile photo

Provide your services, content writer in this instance

Upload your portfolio. I suggest you create an account for free on and write up to five blog posts. Copy these links and paste them on your profile as a portfolio in the marketplace for freelancers.

Upload your personalized one and quarter minute film. Participate in the film and present yourself. Be well-prepared; the lighting and sound quality are all good. It would help if you were well-spoken and were dressed appropriately.

Once your profile, you can search for your writing assignments

Offer to bid on the projects. Tell the client what you can offer them, how long it takes to complete the task, and the project’s price.

It is important to clearly define the delivery milestones and price.

If you are selected to work on the project, be sure to communicate clearly via PMB (project message board)

Be polite and gentle. Sometimes, clients have to be informed and provided with a walkthrough of each stage of a project’s delivery.

After the work is done, Invoice the client, and transfer the funds to your local bank when you have paid.

It’s cool However, I’m not sure I intend to provide my writing assistance as a freelancer. How about some websites which pay writers handsomely to write?

If you don’t intend to create your blog and don’t want to look for writing contracts to work as freelancers, what else can you do?. There are a lot of websites that pay freelance writers handsomely to write content for their customers.

Here are 400 carefully chosen websites. They are currently accepting applications from writers of content. If selected, you could make a good living by working as an author.

Alongside these well-paying websites, Content Mills is also a good source of income for writers.

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