I often get asked to provide recipes for desserts, and invariably Pecan Pie is among the recipes the most frequently requested. This keto-friendly Pecan Pie recipe is so good; my non-Keto acquaintances ate it during the holidays without being aware that they were eating “diet food.” The pie filling has a distinct texture as we’re not using Karo Syrup in this recipe; however, it’s delicious and sweet, but still.

When it comes to the kind of sweetener you can use to make your Keto Pecan Pie Recipe, it’s really the decision up to the individual and their preferences. My preference is classic Monk fruit sweetener from Lecanto as well as the Lecanto sugar-free maple syrup. If you’re having difficulty getting them from the grocery store near you, I’ve linked most of the ingredients to ensure that you can find these products online and purchase them. These two ingredients are known not to leave a lingering taste, which is different from when I use the majority of Stevia-based sweeteners. If you opt for a different type of sugar-free maple syrup, Try to steer clear of those which contain Maltitol and Sorbitol.

In addition, it’s pretty simple to make except for the baking time; there aren’t any indications of a lot of cleaning up or dishes to wash while making this recipe. Should you know any ideas or tricks for how to make your Keto Pecan Pie, please share them with us. Keto Pecan Pie, tell us about it in the comment section at the bottom of this page.


Ease of Preparation: Easy

Prep Time: 20 Minutes

Cooking Time: 65 Minutes

Total Time: 85 Minutes



3/4 CUP Coconut Flour

3 TBSP Lecanto Classic Monk fruit Sweetener

1 Teaspoon Pink Himalayan Salt

2 Large Eggs

2 TBSP Grass-Fed Butter (Salted)

1 TBSP Coconut Oil (Unrefined)

1 TBSP Pure Vanilla


1 & 1/2 CUPS Raw Pecans (Processed)

2 Large Eggs

2/3 Cup Lecanto Classic Monk fruit Sweetener

2 TBSP Grass-Fed Butter (Salted)

2/3 Cup Lecanto Maple-Flavored Sugar-Free Syrup

1 TBSP Pure Vanilla



Prepare the oven to 350*F.

In the Large Mixing Bowl, combine Coconut Flour, Monk fruit Sweetener, and Pink Himalayan Salt Mix thoroughly and put aside.

In a second Large Mixing Bowl, combine Eggs and Grass-Fed Butter. Coconut Oil and Pure Vanilla.

Mix all the Wet items into the bowl with the Dry ingredients until a uniform dough forms.

Make sure you grease the Pie Plate, press the dough in the dish, and then upwards along the sides. There is no need to push the Crust upwards off your sides on the Pie Plate because it will likely be burned later on if you do.

Bake the Crust at 350*F for around 12 minutes, then remove it from the oven.


In a Food Processor, Pulse the raw pecans until they’re very finely chopped. Don’t make the pecans too big; however, you aren’t looking to create Pecan Flour. You can decide how thick you would like your pie Filling to remain.

In the Large Mixing Bowl, combine the Eggs, Monk fruit Sweetener, Grass-Fed Butter, sugar-free maple syrup, and Pure Vanilla.

Mix or beat the ingredients for several minutes.

Pour the pecan into the middle inside the Pie Crust and spread it around in a uniform manner.

Pour the liquid mix over the pecan and ensure its evenly distributed.

Bake the pie at 350*F for about 50 minutes and place it on the counter to cool, then place it on the counter for at least a couple of hours before eating.

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