One of the pleasures that I had missed while when I was living the Keto Lifestyle was pretzels. However, I’m now able to make delicious Keto pretzel Bites. I grew up in Philadelphia which is where pretzels became a regular kind of food that was eaten for breakfast just like they would bagel. There’s something about their denseness and dough-ness , along with a salty crunch that awakens the senses.

The recipe below is variant from Fat Head style dough that can be used for pizza dough rolls, pizza crust and other things, but it’s done in a way that it has an distinctive pretzel flavor that makes it more than just “bread.”

If you’ve made this recipe, leave us a comment at the bottom of this page, and tell us how you feel about it! Enjoy.



PREP TIME:20 Minutes


TOTAL TIME:35 Minutes


3 cups part skimmed mozzarella cheese (shredded)

2 oz cream cheese

Three large eggs one egg to be used to wash

2 cups superfine almond flour

1 2 tablespoons baking soda

1 tablespoon of coarse salt (to sprinkle over the the top)


Bake at a temperature to 400 degrees F. Prepare the huge baking sheet using lined parchment.

Add the cheese as well as cream cheese to the bowl of a large microwave safe. Completely cover the cream cheese with mozzarella. In the microwave, melt cheeses at high speed for 30 seconds intervals. Stir every 30 seconds and cook until the cheeses melt completely and create an even cheese dough. It should take about two and a half minutes. Do not attempt to melt everything in one go.

Within a bowl mix together almond flour and baking powder. Set aside.

Add 2 eggs, cheese along with almond flour to the food processor fitted with a cutter attachment. It is important to pulse at high speed until the dough becomes uniform. The dough will be very sticky, which is normal.

Cover a cutting board using poly wrap. The wrap should prevent the dough from adhering to the cutting board. Make sure your hands are lightly coated with oil. Divide dough into 8 equal portions. Each dough is rolled into long pieces, about 1 inch thick.

With a sharp knife, cut the dough into 3/4 inch wide pieces. Set them on a baking sheet that is lined the parchment.

Add the final egg to the bowl and whisk. The pretzel bites’ surface will be brushed by using the eggs. sprinkle the coarse salt on pretzel pieces as you like.

Bake pretzels for approximately 12 minutes on the center rack in the oven, or until pretzels turn light golden brown. Adjust your oven to the lowest setting and cook for 2 minutes. This will make outside of your pretzel. Be sure to watch your oven for the duration of 2 minutes, as you aren’t wanting to overcook or burn your pretzels.

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