Keto Taco Pie It’s extremely delicious and easy to make. It could end up being a regular meal in some families. Sometimes, the most delicious dishes aren’t the easiest to cook, which is why everything that has the appearance of a casserole will have the same characteristic.

Another benefit of the keto-friendly dish is that it’s the perfect and simple meal to prepare to keep in the fridge and enjoy throughout the week. It’s delicious enough to take a bite to eat for breakfast.

In regards to the seasonings and toppings, you are free to make up your personal favorites. I am sure there will be people who aren’t able to eat spicy foods, so they may opt to skip the salsa or cayenne pepper in the recipe; however, in my opinion, this dish isn’t spicy even a bit. I like to add some spice to it after it’s ready by adding Valentina Hot Sauce over the top.

When you cook the Ground Beef in the Egg mixture, I like to remove the extra fat from the meat that has been ground. I am aware that it reduces the fat amount in the dish. However, it helps make the entire recipe slightly firmer when baked, which appears easier to assess when it’s completely cooked. You do not want to overcook the eggs, particularly if you intend to cook some of the dishes in the future for meal preparation or leftovers.



PREP TIME: 10 Minutes


TOTAL TIME: 1 Hour & 10 Minutes


1lb Grass-Fed Ground Beef

1 Cup Colby Jack Cheese (Shredded)

4 Free-Range Eggs

1/2 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream

2 Green Onions (Diced)

1/2 Cup Sugar-Free Salsa

1 Teaspoon Granulated Garlic

1 Teaspoon Onion Powder

2 Teaspoons Cumin

2 Teaspoons Chili Powder

1 Teaspoon Paprika

1 Teaspoon Pink Himalayan Salt

1/2 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper


Diced Green Onion

Diced Avocado

Sour Cream


Pre-Heat Oven to 350*F.

Roast 1 pound of grass-fed ground beef in a large frying pan over medium heat.

When the Beef is lightly brown, sprinkle it with the following ingredients: 1 Teaspoon Granulated Garlic and 1 Teaspoon Onion Powder 2 Teaspoons Cumin 2 Teaspoons Chili Powder 1 Teaspoon Paprika 1 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper along with 1 Teaspoon pink Himalayan Salt.

When the Beef is cooked, please remove it from the flame and place it in a dish to cool.

Within a Large Mixing Bowl, combine 4 Large Eggs that are Free-Range 1 Cup heavy whipping cream, 2 green Onions (Diced), and 1/2 cup Salsa Sugar-Free 1 Cup of Colby Jack cheese (Shredded), and then add half a teaspoon of the pink Himalayan salt.

Mix all the ingredients in your bowl thoroughly; later, mix the prepared Ground Beef into the mixture and stir to blend.

Lightly spray the inside of a Casserole Dish or Pie Pan with Avocado Oil Spray or grease it with grass-fed butter, and then transfer ingredients from the Mixing Bowl into the Casserole Dish.

Serve your Taco Pie with the remaining 1/2 cup Colby Jack cheese (or additional if you want).

The cake should be baked until it is firm and the center is not jiggly (approximately 45 mins).

Remove the baking sheet from the Oven, and then allow it to cool for 5 minutes before cutting it into slices.

Serve with your preferred toppings. We are fortunate to enjoy cut Avocado, Green Onions, Sour Cream, and, sometimes, some Valentina Hot Sauce to increase the heat.

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