All About Libya , Muslim Country

Libya is a country located in North Africa, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Egypt to the east, Sudan to the southeast, Chad and Niger to the south, and Algeria and Tunisia to the west. Its capital and largest city is Tripoli.

Libya has a population of approximately 6.9 million people and covers an area of 1.8 million square kilometers. The official language is Arabic, and Islam is the predominant religion. Libya has a rich history, with ancient civilizations such as the Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans having left their mark on the region.

Libya gained independence from Italy in 1951, and became a monarchy under King Idris. In 1969, the country’s government was overthrown by a military coup led by Muammar Gaddafi, who ruled the country until 2011, when he was ousted during the Arab Spring uprisings. Since then, Libya has struggled with political instability, violence, and division between various armed groups and political factions.

Libya is a large and important Islamic country located in North Africa. It is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Egypt to the east, Sudan to the southeast, Chad and Niger to the south, and Algeria and Tunisia to the west.

Libya is the fourth largest country in Africa in terms of area, while its number is seventeen (17) in the world.
This area was first settled by Berber tribes. In the 7th century BC, the Phoenicians who came from the coast of Syria settled many cities on the coast of Libya, among which Tripoli was the most important. They named the eastern region of Libya as Cyrenaica. Later. The Greeks occupied the western part and named it Tripolitania. Tripoli was also under the control of Carthage (Tunisia) for some time, then the Romans came here. The Roman era lasted from 46 BC to 436 AD. After that, the Vandal people who came from Europe destroyed it. In the 6th AD, Libya became part of the Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire. The Arabs named Tripoli as Tripoli and Syracuse as Burqa.
Libya in the Islamic Era
In 642 AD, during the reign of Umar Farooq, Muslims conquered Barqa (Sri Nika) and Tripoli. Later, during the Caliphate of Uthman, Hazrat Abdullah bin Saad completed the conquest of Libya, then it was included in the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates. Ahmad Basha Mosque (Tribalis) and Murad Agha Mosque (Tahura) are reminiscent of the Ottoman era.
Italian domination
War broke out between Turkey and Italy in 1911. The Ottoman Turks had become very weak due to economic and political problems at that time. Italy took advantage of these things and Italian troops entered Tripoli. The zealous people of Libya started a great war of resistance. By 1914, Italy had completely occupied Libya. In 1934 Tripolitania and Sri Lanka were merged and it was named Libya.
Omar Mukhtar
Omar Mukhtar was a great guerrilla leader of Libya. He defiantly fought the Italian usurpers with his desert army. Italy launched indiscriminate air attacks on the desert army. Countless Mujahideen and innocent people were martyred. Finally, in 1931, Umar Mukhtar was arrested and executed by the Italians.

Libya and World War II
In 1940, Italy attacked Egypt from Libya. By retaliating, the British forces pushed Italy back into Libya and captured Sri Lanka. German troops came to the aid of Italy and Italy occupied Libya again. However, after the defeat of Germany and Italy in the Great War, Libya was handed over by the United Nations to Great Britain and France. The provinces of Sri Lanka and Tripoli were given to Great Britain and Fazan (Southern Libya) to France.
On November 21, 1949, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution. Under this, it was announced that Libya will be given full independence by January 1952. On December 24, 1951, Libya emerged on the map of the world as a united kingdom. King Idris Sanusi was appointed as its constitutional king. On January 20, 1952, Libya became independent.
The discovery of oil
Until the discovery of oil, Libya was a poor and backward country. In 1958, extensive petroleum deposits were discovered here, and the eyes of the whole world turned on Libya. The British company Eso (now Exxon Mobile) was credited with the discovery of oil.

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