Breakfast is often one of the busiest breakfasts of your day particularly when you don’t like getting up early to prepare it. If you don’t begin your day in the right way by having keto-friendly food and healthy, you may be enticed to break from your plan even before the day has started. It’s an excellent idea to store this Keto Omelet Muffin around so you’ll have something easy and simple to heat up, or bring to work.

The concept behind them is that you could make at least a dozen in one go, and or refrigerate them for up to five days , or even freeze them to remove them as you require them. I prefer to create these in many different ways, so you have options and the variety to keep it fresh. You could quickly get bored of eating scrambled eggs every day when there’s nothing about them that makes them fresh and exciting for you.

This recipe is intended to serve as a model to demonstrate that you can not only prepare your breakfast meals to have for your week (making it a great Sunday morning routine) however, you can create your own recipes and make use of whatever sort of meat and vegetables you like to include in the dish. You can cut up some Broccoli or Spinach and mix them into the mix, or you can utilize different kinds of meats that you have leftover after a long weekend. Your choice is up to you and you don’t need to cook them the same way over and over again if do not want to.

You can call them Omelettes, or them Muffins or Crustless Quiches…they are delicious!


Ease of Preparation: Easy

Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Cooking Time: 20 Minutes

Total Time: 35 Minutes


6 Large Eggs

2 TBSP Heavy Whipping Cream

4 Slices of Bacon

4 Ounces of Fresh Meat

4 Ounces of Meat

3 Ounces of Sharp Cheddar Cheese

4 Teaspoons of Salsa (Low Carb)

Coconut or Avocado Oil Cooking Spray


Cut up some Sharp Cheddar Cheese. Set it aside.

Cut 4 pieces in Bacon and cook them thoroughly in an non-stick skillet at medium-high heat. remove grease and set aside.

Cook to cook the Fresh Sausage thoroughly, drain the grease and put it aside.

Cut the meat into small pieces and then set it aside.

Crack 6 large eggs into an enormous measuring cup, then add 2 TBSP Heavy Whipping Cream Mix well.

Within the 12 muffin Pan Spray lightly the pan with coconut Oilor Avocado Oil cooking spray to stop the food from sticking.

In 4 cavities, put the bacon in, within 4 cavities put the ham. In the 4 remaining cavities, place the sausage.

Equally pour the egg mixture into each muffin Make certain to leave enough room on top for additional components and to expand.

Serve each dish with a generous amount of Sharp Cheddar Cheese.

In the half of the cavities place 1 teaspoon in Low Carb Salsa.

Bake at 350°F for approximately 20 minutes, or until the meat is cooked completely but not until the tops begin to brown. Since we’ll be heating these in the next few days, we don’t wish to overcook the potatoes this time.

Serve warm straight away or put them in a sealed container that is airtight and keep within the fridge for up to five days. You can also store as many of them as you like and place them in the refrigerator at evening prior to to let them thaw.

Reheat any leftovers prior to eating.

Special Note Please feel free to use any ingredients you’d like to. This recipe was created to be an example to let you know that it’s possible to make your breakfasts every week to ensure that you don’t need to get up early in the morning to get your day started in the right direction.

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